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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 10:30 AM – 7 PM
Friday: 9 AM – 3PM
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504 Wolcott Road
Wolcott, CT 06716
(203) 879-9411
[email protected]

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Frequently asked questions

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What kind of toothbrush should I be using?2023-07-21T01:55:31+00:00

While the brand of toothbrush is not particularly important, it is best to choose one that is soft-bristled and with a small head so that you can easily get around your teeth more effectively (especially your back molars) without gum injury. Medium- and hard-bristled toothbrushes can have a tendency to irritate your gums and can contribute to gum recession.

There are so many types of toothpaste out there! Which one should I choose?2023-07-21T01:56:15+00:00

When choosing a toothpaste for you or your child, it’s important to select one that contains fluoride, which is essential in helping prevent cavities. Children under age 6 should only use a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of their fingernail) to minimize the risk of swallowing too much fluoride.

You may also want to consider selecting a toothpaste that is approved by the American Dental Association; the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance means that the product has met strict safety and effectiveness criteria, and that the packaging and advertisement of the product is scientifically backed.

When selecting toothpaste, you may also want to consider your personal dental needs and the properties of the toothpaste – whitening, tartar-control, gum care, desensitizing, etc. Ask your dental hygienist or dentist about any concerns, and also for product recommendations.

What is the difference between a crown and a cap?2023-07-21T01:57:05+00:00

There really isn’t a difference, and dentists may use the term interchangeably. All restorations that cover all or most of a tooth are often referred to as “crowns”, and they can be made out of porcelain, gold, or even stainless steel. Patients sometimes refer to tooth-colored crowns as “caps” and metal material crowns as “crowns”, but there is no real difference between the two.

What is the difference between a bridge and a partial denture?2023-07-21T01:57:49+00:00

Both bridges and partial dentures are intended to replace missing teeth, but there are some differences between these two types of restorative dentistry. A bridge is permanently attached to adjacent teeth or implants, filling in the area where a tooth (or several teeth) are missing and anchored on either side. A partial denture, on the other hand, is a removable device that is held in the mouth with clasps that usually go around back teeth. Both bridges and partial dentures can offer an aesthetically pleasing way to fill in missing teeth, but many patients prefer the stability of bridges as opposed to the removable partial dentures. Discuss with your dentist which restorative dentistry treatment will be most beneficial to your personal needs.

I was told I have a cavity in my tooth and need to get a filling. What can I expect during this procedure?2023-07-21T01:59:01+00:00

When you are informed by your dentist that you have a cavity, it really is important to have a filling procedure done as soon as possible. If left unfilled, the cavity will only worsen and could ultimately lead to the loss of the tooth and surrounding bone structure. There’s no need to worry though, as the filling procedure is nearly painless.

You can expect to have a conversation with your dentist about the type of filling material that should be used. There are several choices of filling material available today, and your choice might depend on preferences of appearance, cost, and function.

Some options for filling materials include:

Gold. Sturdy and non-corrosive, gold fillings can last up to 15 years before needing to be replaced. However, gold fillings may be more expensive than other materials.
Amalgam. Silver-colored amalgam fillings are made of a mixture of metals including silver, copper, tin and mercury. They’ve proven to be strong, durable, and inexpensive.
Composite. Made of a tooth-colored mixtures of glass and resin, composite fillings can match the color of your teeth, but they are not as durable as metal and may need to be replaced more frequently.
Ceramic. Ceramic fillings, often made of porcelain, are popular for those wanting a natural looking tooth. Though they are durable, ceramic fillings can be abrasive if they hit up against natural teeth. Your dentist will need to make sure that you are biting correctly and the ceramic crown is smooth in order to prevent tooth wear.
Glass ionomers. These glass and acrylic fillings bond chemically to dental hard tissues and release fluoride slowly over time. They are indicated for low-stress areas and are usually placed on roots or front teeth. They are often used in children as a short-term solution for baby teeth.

When it’s time to place the filling, your dentists will administer a local anesthesia to numb the surrounding area. Then, the dentist will remove the decayed tissue using a special dental drill, an air abrasion instrument, or even a laser. The procedure is essentially painless, and of course you should notify the dentist if at any point during the procedure you experience discomfort or pain.

After removing the decayed material, your dentist will clean out any remaining debris and place the filling in the cavity. Then, the area will be cleaned and polished, and you’ll be on your way! Your dentist will provide thorough after-care instructions that you should follow.